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Friday 11 March 2011

42:272 Long Plain projects

How to prevent future disasters or protect yourself in hazardous situations

Event / Disaster                         Suggested plan of action
Earthquakes                   If one lives in an earthquake area, one should improve on
                                         his building by placing metal bars on the exterior (even if they
                                         look ugly) and stabilizers on the foundations

Tsunamis                        Can be so devastating to all humanity that people from
                                         around the world should donate money to help victims
                                         and also build a warning system for all oceans

Volcanoes                      People living around volcanoes should be the ones to educate
                                        themselves about the dangers from volcanic eruptions

River Flooding               Don’t build on the floodplain, but if you are there now,
                                        be prepared after big storms

Floods                            If you live near a river that floods regularly, your house should
                                        be modified to float in water

Winter storm                  Listen to weather reports, stock up, be prepared

New Orleans                  From the distance, it looks like people got punished because
                                        they lived in sin

Hurricanes                     Forget your home and run. If you are on a boat listen for
                                        weather warnings

Tornadoes                     Take cover in the basement or lie down in a ditch & cover your
                                        head to protect from flying debris. Video of Elie, Aug. 2007

Elie Tornado,                By just missing getting hit by Canada’s strongest ever tornado
Aug. 2007                     (an F5) one is forced to realize that our climate is changing
                                       fast. We have to change by respecting our environment so that
                                       our children will not face climate disasters

Forest fires                   On hot, dry weather you have to watch for fires & plan your
                                       exit. Don’t get caught unprepared

Forest Fires                  They are vital to a healthy forest. Today’s forests are
                                       overprotected and this should be stopped. The fire processes
                                       dead material into nutrients faster than decay does.

Landslides                    If you live on a slope, it is time to move out, then maybe
                                       flatten the hill by blowing up the steep part (very
                                       innovative !), so it will be less of a danger in the future

 Landslides                   Keep trees on the slope to make sure the soil stays in place
                                       like an anchor keeps a boat in place

State of Our water        A prediction made by an elder in 1982 that “ in 20 years we
                                       will pay for water” has turned out to be true. Today, bottled
                                       water (frequently of questionable quality) is worth more than
                                       gasoline. A prediction can be made today that in 20 years from
                                       now we will export water

Sandy Bay                    From first hand knowledge, Sandy Bay is drawing lake
Treatment Plant            water (which is much cleaner than Portage river water)
                                       into a “wet well” using “reverse gravity” method, silica
                                       sand, no lime and chlorination

Oil spills                         Have disastrous effects but cannot be helped. As much as
                                        possible move away from using crude oil, gasoline and related

New Energy                   It is time to turn into solar, wind and geothermal forms of
                                        energy production. More information is required by the public
                                        and some flexibility to apply them to older homes

Nuclear Energy              It is difficult to judge whether new factories should be
                                        encouraged. However, it sounds scary to have a nuclear plant
                                        nearby due to the long term effects in case of accidents

Save Energy!                There are numerous ways to save energy and water in a home.
                                        Remember the methods our parents and grandparents used who
                                        lived well without wasting energy and water

Recycling                       Anyone caring about the surroundings would be passionate
                                        about starting a recycling program if there is none in one’s     
                                        community. It isn’t a big operation, it takes little time and easy
                                        to find followers esp. among children

Recycling                       When you throw something into the garbage, you feel guilty of
                                        the place that it is going into. The planet is already overwhelmed
                                        with garbage, so recycling is natural along with reducing and
                                        reusing not just for us but for the generations to follow us

Air pollution                    We are setting ourselves for self destruction the way we use the
                                        air as a dump

DDT                                It was an important discovery in the fight against mosquitoes, but
                                        it has entered the food chain so it can do a lot of damage to
                                        living things

Waste management     We need to monitor material dumped at landfill sites

Climate change             We have to change the way we live. Lots of people are not
                                        informed of the changes we have made to the climate.
                                        Governments & big industry with held or distort the truth and
                                        people will be trapped in natural disasters or man-made

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