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Friday 11 March 2011

Meandros, meandering river from Priene

Meandros, Meander, Meandering River

Meandros was the “god” of a river. There must have been something spectacular about this river to make the surrounding people worship it as a deity. That something is no doubt the view of its winding river channel. This phenomenon is common for rivers flowing through relatively flat terrain. However, it is very difficult for people to observe their winding river channel unless they are looking at the river from a higher altitude. Such a situation is rare and is only found in very few locations worldwide.
The city of Priene on the west coast of Asia Minor (today called Turkey) is in such a unique location having been built on the side of a mountain very close to the river valley.
The inhabitants of the ancient city of Priene had an amazing view of the valley of the Meander river. Their city was built at the foot of Mount Mykale and was surrounded by walls. Originally their city was built on the seashore, but alluvial deposits soon silted up the shore and the ocean moved progressively away. By the 1st century B.C. we know that the ocean harbour had silted up. Today the remains of the city are some 15 km away from the shoreline !
Priene was built during the 10th century B.C. by Ionian colonists coming from mainland Greece. City planning followed the famous Hippodamean system of streets running at right angles (just like most American cities are built today).
A prominent temple of Athene, a theatre for 5,000 people, a stadium, gymnasium and many other public buildings are preserved remarkably well as are numerous statues and other works of art.

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