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Friday 11 March 2011

Ebb+Flow BUNTEP's, Manitoba

Final exam: comments from essays

It is important for the human race to know what our world is made up of.
The problem of getting the people to trust the word of a specialist is usually what will tell if a person is going to be a survivor or a victim.
These are reminders that mother nature has all the time and patience to give us a chance.
We are the ones that have to adapt to Earth, not the other way around.
This course was very informal, clear and understandable.
The Wonderful world of science….one could even see the world (while studying science)
Earth does not kill people, it is curiosity that kills people
Manitoba has a lot of sedimentary rocks because it used to be an ocean. How interesting ! Picture that..
A tsunami is like a snake that creeps up behind you and scares you
We need more tsunami (warning) centres in the world
You can’t stop Earth doing what it does, the most you can do is stay out of its way
A tsunami is not something to stand and watch… watch for the warning signs
Earthquakes and tsunamis: both are deadly when people have no warnings
I never knew that the earth and its lands can be under stress
The usefulness of this part of the course can save someone’s life!
I hope everyone really enjoyed it as much as I did
The earth has many ways to show its power
If a disaster happens to another country this will make me stop and think
An earthquake causes the ground to shake by forces of wind (moving) beneath the ground (this comment is exactly how Aristotle described it, however, the author here is not aware of Aristotle’s work)
People continue to live closer and closer to danger zones.
The one thing about this course is that I love the elements: Fire & Water
People sign their own deaths by running to the shores to see the tsunamis
All these are signs that Mother nature is still growing and changing

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